Martial Arts for All is a nonprofit organization designed to support individuals in financial distress or regardless of their financial situation, enabling them to participate in martial arts. We believe everyone should be able to gain the benefits of martial arts, regardless of their financial status. Both adults and children can benefit from increased confidence and self-defense knowledge.

Martial arts provide an opportunity for individuals to gain strength both mentally and physically. It is very empowering and often changes the trajectory of individuals’ lives in a more positive direction. If you would like to contribute to the development of Martial Arts for All, please click here. Our 501-c tax ID will provided automatically in the receipt when a donation is made.

Join us at University of Beer in Folsom for an exciting evening fundraiser for MAFA on November 9th, following the first day of the Instructor Certification course!

Whether you’re part of the course or just in town, everyone is welcome to come, catch up with friends from across the states, and enjoy a great dinner together at UoB.

Don’t miss out on the fun and camaraderie—see you there!

  • When: November 9th, 5:30pm
  • Where: 1009 E. Bidwell St., Folsom, CA

Mark your calendars for our Chipotle fundraiser on November 16th, from 4 to 8 pm!

Grab a delicious meal while supporting Martial Arts for All—25% of sales from this event will go directly to our cause. Simply order online with the code on the flyer or show it in person at the restaurant.

Let’s come together to make a difference, one burrito at a time!

  • When: November 16th, 4-8pm
  • Where: 5851 Sunrise Blvd., Citrus Heights

Grab a meal, support a great cause and relax before the big day!

Take a break from Thanksgiving prep and grab some Panda!

Order online or on the App with the code on the flyer, or show it in person at the restaurant.

  • When: November 26th, 9:30am-10:30pm
  • Where: 4701 Madison Ave, Sacramento

Mark your calendars for our Habit Burger fundraiser on November 27th, from 4 to 9 pm!

Grab a delicious meal while supporting Martial Arts for All. Simply order online with the code on the flyer or show it in person at the restaurant.

  • When: November 27th, 4-9pm
  • Where: 4060 Douglas Blvd #109, Granite Bay