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Moo Do Sacramento Regional 6th Annual Friendship Tournament (Granite Bay High School)


Click the button below to register.

Late registration ($85) ends 5/19 (noon)

At door registration ($95) 5/20


We are able to get into granite bay high school Friday night at 6 PM to set up. So all volunteers please come at 6 PM . for those that RSVP, We have a $15 gift card for a Nurturing touch massage just to say thank you.

This webpage has info for competitors, spectators, school owners, and judges.

Make sure to view entire website to capture info for each category.


Pourarian’s TKD is SOOOO excited to host the 6th Annual Friendship Tournament! Guaranteed to be the most FUN tournament of the year!

WHO: Any Age, Any Level … this tournament is for you.

WHEN: May 20th, 2023

WHERE: Granite Bay High Shool, 1 Grizzly Way, Granite Bay, CA 95746

WHY: To have fun of course

WHAT TIME: More information to follow

It’s Almost Time!

Here is the latest info and reminders for the tournament.

Dear Competitors, School Owners and judges,
We are so excited to see you soon. Here are a few things you should know.

  1. The venue is the Gym at Granite Bay High School at 1 Grizzly Way, Granite Bay, CA 95746.
  2. We will have a concession stand with pizza, snacks, fruit, drinks, cookies, (muffins and coffee/tea in the morning) but please feel free to bring your own food if you wish.
  3. If you are having friends or family come, please let them know there is a $10 spectator fee if you pre-purchase, or a $15 spectator fee at the door, so they are not surprised. Spectators will have in and out privileges. Don’t buy spectator tickets for competitors as their registration will allow them to compete and spectate all day.
  4. There will be a FREE Bounce House!
  5. Don’t miss the Master’s Demo around noon!
  6. You must have your own board holders for board breaking divisions, so they know how you want the boards held, etc. Purchase boards ($5/each) prior to or at the event for the Board Breaking division (2 stations max) …as many boards as you want… Board size options are thin, medium and thick. You can pre-purchase them to save time.
  7. We are raffling off an Ipad at the event, so make sure to purchase raffle tickets!
  8. Please consult the check in times for each division. Remember… those times are check in times NOT competition times. You will compete as rings open up.
  9. If you are sparring please make sure you have a mouth piece and groin protector for gentlemen. There will be no vendor there selling these items but Moo Do may have some for sale.
  10. Black Belts – Compete based on your age and rank on the day of the tournament.
  11. Most importantly, …..have fun, enjoy competing in Taekwondo, seeing your TKD friends, be safe, and smile!

Can’t wait,

Competitor Section

Friendship Tournament Division Offerings

Division OptionsTigerColorBlack Belts
Forms (Poomsae)
Point Sparring
Continuous Sparring
Board Breaking
Rapid Kick
Power Meter
Pair Poomsae
Family Poomsae
Modified Division

TIGERS DIVISION (ages 6’ish and under)

Taekwondo Tigers Form – Taekwondo Tigers 6’ish and under can do any creative Tiger form or any portion of a Taeguk form. If a Tiger is doing a full Taeguk form they should enter in kids 8 and under traditional form division. Judging Criteria: Overall technique and presentation. All judges will judge overall.

Taekwondo Tigers Board Breaking – Taekwondo Tigers 6 and under can do any creative 2 station board breaking. Judging Criteria: Overall technique and presentation. All judges will judge overall.

Taekwondo Tigers Sparring – Point sparring rules. Kick or punch to body = 1 point, spin kick = 2pts, kick to head = 3 pts. No hands to the head.
Tigers Rapid Kick Contest – Competitors are to kick as many times as they can in 15 seconds and the highest number wins. In case of tie, it is settled with rock, paper, scissors. White-Green Belts kick with a front kick, Purple Belts and above compete with a round kick. See video below.


Modified Division – Color Belt or Black Belt of any age that wish to have concessions for physical or development challenges should register for this division. Competitors may do any form, self defense or weapons form in this division. Competitor may have assistance from a partner or instructor for their performance.
Judging Criteria- Best overall presentation. All judges judge overall.


Traditional Individual Form – Color belts and Black Belts are to perform Taeguk/Kukkiwon forms. 2 competitors will compete against another competitor at the same time. The judges will point in the direction of the best form. Judging Criteria: Best overall form. See video below

Sparring – Point sparring rules. Kick or punch to body= 1 point, spin kick = 2pts, kick to head = 3 pts. No hands to the head.

Board Breaking – Maximum 2 stations. Two attempts to break per station. Boards must be purchased ($5) at the event or online in checkout page. Competitor can select board size. All competitors must have their own designated holders. Any technique may be used to break stations except for head breaks.
Judging Criteria: Overall technique and presentation. If completed on single attempt and level of difficulty as well as creativity.

Rapid Kick Contest – Competitors are to kick as many times as they can in 15 seconds and the highest number wins. In case of tie, it is settled with rock, paper, scissors. White through Green Belts kick with a front kick, Purple (Blue) Belts and above compete with a round kick. See video below.

Power Meter Division – Power meter will be used to measure most powerful technique. Competitor will get three attempts to strike the bag with any competitor’s technique of choice. Competitor can do the same technique each time or change technique. Highest reading of the 3 attempts will be the competitor’s final score.
Judging Criteria: Highest reading by strike meter out of 3 tries is the final number.

Traditional Family Forms – Color belt and Black Belt Families can perform any Taeguk form of their choice . Color belts competitors will compete against other color belt families. Black Belt will go against other Black Belt families. If you’re family has a mix of both color belts and black belts, have everyone register under the black belt family division. (NOTE: Teams with both color belts and blacks will not receive points towards national championship.) The judges will point in the direction of the best form after each two family groups have competed until winner is selected. No limit on how many family members per team. When registering, register each family member as each will get a medal.
Judging Criteria: Overall synchronization, power and performance.

Pair Forms (Poomsae) – Team of 2. Any gender mix. Any belt mix (for black belt division they must all be recommended or above). All team members must be ages 17 and under or 18 and above.
Judges criteria: Synchronization, technique and power. Reminder that all members should register individually for the pair poomsae division as both players will be getting medals.

Weapon –Weapons division is open forms.
Judges Criteria: Handling and control of weapon and overall presentation.

Continuous Sparring. Same as point sparring points (3 for head shots, 2 for spin kicks to body and 1 for kick or punch to body) except players are not stopped after scoring a point. They spar continuously with the judges capturing their points continuously. 2 rounds of 1 minute and 30 seconds. If there is a tie, a tie breaker round 3 will ensue.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&list=PLeNaoT0Z71kHsQtm-2xZ-eXAzquY_Wb1g&v=L65PnjGoiYo&layout=gallery[/embedyt]


Schedule of events / Check-in


7:30 am Regional Testing Check-in

8:00 am Regional Testing


8:00 am at the door registration opens

9:00 am Judges Briefing and Check-In

9:00 am Staging Opens

9:30 am Tournament Begins

Check In Times: Please note these are check in times and not competition times. Divisions will be called after the check in times and put in rings as the rings open up. Please be patient and more importantly, enjoy watching the competition and being with your TKD family. Try not to schedule other activities that day so you are not stressed or under pressure to be elsewhere.

9:00 am Checkin:

  • Family Poomsae (color and black belts)
  • Pair Poomsae (color and black belts)
  • Weapons (color and black belts)
  • Modified Division (all ranks, all ages)
  • Tigers
  • Men 18 and above Black Belts only (Poomsae, Sparring, Rapid Kick, Board Breaking, Power Meter)

10:00 am Checkin: (Poomsae, Sparring, Rapid Kick, Board Breaking, Power Meter)

  • Color Belts ages 17 and under
    * Divisions will be called youngest to oldest as rings open up.

11:00 am Checkin: (Poomsae, Sparring, Rapid Kick, Board Breaking, Power Meter)

  • Black Belts ages 17 and under
    * Divisions will be called youngest to oldest as rings open up.

12:00 pm Opening Ceremonies & Master’s Demo

1:00 pm Checkin: (Poomsae, Sparring, Rapid Kick, Board Breaking, Power Meter)

  • All Color Belts Ages 18 and above
  • Women Black Belts Ages 18 and above

2:00 pm Checkin: Continuous Sparring- All Ages, All Ranks


Click the button below to register.

Spectator Section

Spectator Fee is $10 for anyone 4 years and older with pre-purchased tickets. Tickets at the door are $15.

Bounce House (FREE… included in spectator fee.)

We will have drinks, pizza, chips, fruit and cookies for sale.

We will also have tournament T shirts available.

You can bypass the lines and pre-purchase your spectator entrance, t-shirt, boards below:

Judge’s Section

Hello Judges,

Judges meeting is on May 6th at 1pm at THE STUDIO (8200 Sierra College Blvd, Ste D, Roseville). Anyone that wishes to be a judge or time/score keeper for the Friendship Tournament please come to the meeting. All judges in attendance will be entered into raffle to win PUMA Moo Do Back Pack. Please RSVP here:

Lunch and will be provided for all judges that are on the confirmed list on May 6th.

Judges Check in time on May 20th is 9:00 am. Time Keeper check in is at 9:00 am as well.

Judges, Quick Reminders:

Tigers Division – This is the only division the competitors don’t compete side by side (it messes them up). We still bring 2 back to point to winner.

Rapid Kick Division – If there is a tie there is to be a 2nd round, if tie again, break the tie with paper, rock, scissor.

Sparring Division – It takes one person to confirm a point.

Weapons Division – If someone drops their weapon, it’s a point deduction. If competitors breaks their weapon, they have 1 minute to replace it and get a full point deduction. If they are unable to replace their weapon, they forfeit.

Ring Assignments

School Owner Section

This tournament is designed to provide an amazing experience for your students from white belts to seasoned Black Belts. Please distribute the tournament flyer and email as you see fit.

Read below for School Owners to train their students…

  • Black Belt points will be awarded, so let your Black Belts know.
  • There is a “modified division” so if you have any students that have special needs and need concessions, please enter them into modified division. They can do anything they are comfortable doing including doing the competition with their instructor. They can do weapons, forms, board breaking, pretty much whatever you want them to do.
  • Pre-purchased Spectator fee is $10 and kids under 4 are free. $15 at the door.
  • There will be only 4 competitors (an exception may apply) for all color belt divisions.
  • Remind those that are doing board breaking to have their own holders.
  • Remind your students the check in times are just that… check in not competition times. Just let them know they should plan to be there for the day so they aren’t stressed to be elsewhere.
  • If you students are competing to pairs or family poomsae, remind them they all need to register as competitors for that division as they all will be getting medals.

Sponsors Section

Click the link below to become an event sponsor

May 20, 2023 @ 8:00 am 5:00 pm

Granite Bay High School

1 Grizzly Way
Granite Bay, CA 95746 United States
+ Google Map