September 7
2:30 pm
5:00 pm
Judges Clinic & Certification for Nationals September 7th, 2:30-5pm
Moo Do is very conscious of minimizing the number of weekends we take up your time while still giving you continuing education as well as clinics and certification opportunities. Having said that on 9/7 we will be hosting both the continuing education as well as the judges seminar back to back.
All Sacramento area participants are to attend in person at THE STUDIO. All out of Sacramento area participants to participate at their schools with their instructors via Zoom.
- When: Saturday, September 7th, 2:30-5pm
- Location: THE STUDIO – 8200 Sierra College Blvd Ste. D, Roseville CA
- Out of Area: Attend at your school via Zoom.
- Zoom: ID 995 247 9488
- Password: 8200
- Who Can Attend: The Judges Certification is for anyone that wants a refresher, wants to level up, or become a certified judge for the first time.
- Cost: There is no cost for the judges clinic and certification.
Additional Info:
For those that would like to level up or become certified judge for the first time:
- Request access to judges portal to get access to study material. You can request to get a login by emailing
- Send an email no later than Aug 24th to notifying them of your intention to test or level up so they can confirm you are eligible to do so.
- On the day of the certification, you will be provided with a written exam at 2:30. If you pass the written exam you will be allowed to participate in the practical exam. Regardless of pass/fail, stay to gain the information.